Mutual Interests Develop with Commitment

Your patience
Is called upon
Your commitment
Will be tested
Your devotion
Will be your best friend
Your open heart
Will be a target
Focus on the Light
Every breath
Be One with the Light
Every word you speak
Will be scrutinized
Every breath forgotten
Will be realized
If you wish to stand for the Light
You must commit fully to the Light
Every single breath
Must be focused on the Light
The Universe will protect you
If you give the Universe your life
Every thought of the mind
Must be neutralized
Every judgment
Must be neutralized
Every opinionated thought
Must be neutralized
So many minds
Convince the human that they are enlightened
So many humans
Believe their mind is neutral
The one that steps over the ant
Is the mind that sees all as equal
The human willing to sacrifice all prestige and power
Is the human that is neutral
Question each human mind
See if they are willing to let go of everything
If they gasp at the thought
They are listening to the mind
If they laugh at the request
They are listening to the mind
If they answer with a question
Their life is commanded by the mind
If you wish to stand for the Light
You will face the challenges of every mind
If you can commit to your Truth
You can dwell in your neutral state
You must call on your patience
You must guide the mind with each step
Every moment you achieve neutrality
You have gloried all with the Light
Live to breathe
Live to breathe for all
Live in silence
Live to serve in silence
A name
Is not needed
A collection
Is not needed
A title
Is not needed
The One that delivers the Light
Is the One that has everything
In their heart
That gives endlessly
The innocent heart
Is the bravest heart
Protect your heart
Allow the flowing of giving to be continuously
Continuously flowing
To the Light within all
Continuously giving
Projecting the Light to all
Sat Nam

Photo by Lee Vue on Unsplash

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