Feel the Energy that is Radiating from You to All

Move the air

Feel the trees


That you are with me

Call on the sky

Move the air

Dance with the energies

That bring you near

Be alive

In my stillness that cures

All energies

Are brought to One

Mother Earth

Father Air

Feel your feet

Being nourished from each step



Bring the fire

Spiral all sound

The waves of Light

Are here to hear


Then our minds


Then all life

My life

Is here to You

To know

To be known

Stir the wind

Present its song

My voice

Is carrying all

To worlds

Consciousness blooming

All life

Is to be known

As you walk

Speak to my Earth

Cherish her strength

Receive her wealth

Silence your mind

Her the unknown

The air is carrying you

To all that call

Inner voices

Know your Soul

Go to them

Trust my Word

As you receive

So shall you give

Endlessly transforming

All that is


My love

Become One

With nothing

All vibrations

Alive in your heart

Explore one by one

Embrace each one

With my love

You shift every One

The dance of the Universe

Is your song

Sat Nam

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