The Beginning Creates Each Moment

Every extreme
Begins with each moment
Every glance of grace
Begins within a conscious moment
Stand as you are
Elevate your life with Soul
Listen to every mind speak
Be silent with Soul
Allow each Soul to speak to each other
Listen in silence to understand the moment
With all your attention
With all your breath
A moment with Soul
Is a moment lived within the Light
Choose this moment
Choose each moment as a new beginning
Each moment
A new beginning
You can live this moment gracefully
You can live this moment victoriously
Live this moment
Receiving my Light
Within your silence
Your shield will grow
A silenced mind
Allows Soul to lead
Give this day to Soul
Give this day a new beginning
With each breath
Create each moment
Focus on your life
Focus on your Soul
You are here now
Live your life as now
If you feel far
Silence your mind to see
You are with every Soul
You are within my Light continuously
Guided by your Light
You walk on your path each day
Guided by your Light
You silence the mind
Guided by your Light
You live as one with Soul
Each moment
Is a new beginning
Renew your life
See the Truth of life
Create this day
As your heart’s song
Sat Nam

Photo by Joel Moysuh on Unsplash

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