Bless Everyday with Your Presence
Your excellence Is in the way that you speak Your attitude Is in your beliefs Your attitude in each moment Is your projection If you are in a neutral state You project neutrality If you are in a reactive state You project the reaction of the mind You must choose your presence You must choose to be graceful Pray That you can achieve being graceful The darkest mind Can disguise themselves The neutral mind Sees all If you live to be One with your breath You will live to be One with all Your ability to see another mind Will not disturb you You will see the Truth Residing behind every mind The mind will introduce itself to you You will only speak to the Soul in front of you You will acknowledge the mind in front of you You will remain in neutral conversation with their Soul You will remain graceful You will create neutrality between you You will bow to their Soul’s excellence You will bow to their life’s Truth You will create the One Truth for both of you Your conscious presence will guide you As you were born So you shall live for eternity The presence of my Light An opportunity for the dark to be transformed If you let go of everything that the mind puts in your way You can walk through every wall Your Soul is limitless Your Soul allows you to see through every imaginary block of the mind If you want your energy to flow Sit divinely If you want your Soul to shine Silence the mind Breathe Consciously breathe Bring the Universe to you Focus on receiving each conscious moment Love this day Give this day your neutral presence Love this day Give each life the opportunity to transform Neutrality is the Light’s presence Neutrality transforms every mind’s vibration Breathe Begin your day with love Sat Nam
Photo by Filios Sazeides on Unsplash