Every circle of life
Is infinite
Every circle of life
Is unique
Each time you are gift to see the cycles within your life
Bless the moment with grace
Even though you are on the same cycle
Realize that it is unique
Each time passed
Is an opportunity to transform the moment
Elevate each cycle to a higher state
Rejoice that you have been gifted with this opportunity
Although some aspects are the similar
Now you have the wisdom to choose differently
What will elevate your Soul
What will strengthen your Soul’s experience
Every life
Lives uniquely
Every life
Is born for all
As you live through this cycle
Live to elevate every Soul
To breathe each moment
To receive each moment
Live in gratitude for your life
Live to give to all
Now you have everything
As you were born with everything
Energies shift
Shift the focus of the mind
Build your life consciously
Center your life within the Light’s grace
The place for your Soul
Is in every moment of your life
Your life is moving
Your life is transforming
Be free in this movement
Bow in gratitude to receive
Be flexible with each mind
Allow your breath to guide your day
Each ending is endless
Each ending is continuous
Do not focus on creating absolute endings
Seek to transform each cycle
Sat Nam
Photo by Mia Jiang on Unsplash