Give the World Peace from Your Eternal Peace

You must feel
Within your life
In front of every life
You must project
To your life
To every life
Look as your life
See where you excel
You are a warrior
Ready for any battle
When there is peace
Your mind begins make imaginary battles
You must give your mind the ultimate battle
Focus on my Word with every breath
Only the greatest warrior can achieve this
Only the most dedicated saint can achieve this
Just one conscious breath is a victory
That you achieve one more conscious breath each day
You have no fear
When others are in danger
You have no limitations
When others are in need
Use your courage
When your life needs courage
Call on your abilities
When your life needs your help
Even the greatest warrior
Must rest
Even the greatest saint
Must renew
You must care for the self
You must create your life for you
If the Teacher comes to you
Know that you are blessed
If the Student comes to you
Know that you equally blessed
Be grateful
Confidently give what you have been blessed with
You receive from the Teacher
Receive every Student
In order to receive
You must open your heart to receive
In order to give
You must open your heart to receive
The words of the mind
Is your greatest battle
Be the warrior of my Light
Clear every negative word with my Word
Focus on my Word
Fill yourself with my infinite strength
Focus on my Word
Prepare yourself to give
Focus on my Word
Create peace within your heart
Focus on my Word
Open your heart to the world
Open your heart
Give my love to the world
Sat Nam

Photo by Alexis Antoine on Unsplash

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