Security is the Mind’s Confinement
The search for security Is the slow process of hiding the Soul away Keeping you safe Keeping you from the unknown The unknown Everything unseen The unknown Everything never experienced before Fear builds From nothing Security The false sense of safety Safety From living confined from reliving the same day The same day Over and over The mind creates monotonous tasks Creating routines it needs to manage In order to be free You must end every routine Routines of every kind Including the routines of judgment Look at who you judge What are your judgements Was your mind’s security threatened What a new way of seeing presented If you want to help others to see their limitations You must live freely in front of all Leave all judgments of the mind behind Say good bye to every worry of the mind Simply walk into your day as a new born child Simply walk as your true self Your true self Your Soul Your innocent self Your joyful free spirit No past No future Simply living Now In love with the moment Fully connected to the moment Greeting each life with love Acknowledging each life with neutrality Neutrality Respect filled with wisdom Life lived Free from the mind’s thought routines Free A silenced mind Breathing Living each moment joyfully Giving your life each moment to listening Hearing each note of my song Sat Nam
Photo by jens schwan on Unsplash