Transform Negativity with Your Breath
I live Through your heart I give Through your projection Your focus Determines everything Choose Your focus Choose Your life What you wish to leave behind Leave What you wish to transform Transform Your focus Determines everything All of my Light Receive All of my Light Give Transform the moment Transform your focus If your focus is directed by the mind Your life is filled with longing The mind creates negativity The mind creates chaos If another mind is directing negativity Send my Light If another mind is directing chaos Send my Light Your Soul knows the way Focus on listening to my guidance Focus Give your mind the determination Survive The greatest negativity If the mind feels failure Command it to silence The Soul is infinite The Soul is always the victor Survival Is achieved through silence As you know As you must live now Silence your mind Allow the mind of others to clear Silence the mind Allow the mind of others to clear Focus on your path Continuously Clear your path Continuously Your silence Will free your Soul Your silence Will create your focus Your silence Will direct your breath Your silence Will create your victory Sit with my life Allow the mind of others to clear In neutrality You can clear the energies of all Focus The strength of my Light is with you always Sat Nam
Photo by Maxime Gilbert on Unsplash