The Gift of Life Gives the Gift of Life to All
All the stars of the night Make One Light As you see the sky as One See all life as One Many stars One moon Many lives One Light One sun So bright we turn our eyes away Yet We still see the light of the sun One Light So bright our mind turns away Yet We still vibrate as One Soul The inner Light of all Is all powerful Powerful In resilience Powerful In magnitude Powerful In the ability to give Your ability to give Is your greatest power In the face of the darkest Night You give In the face of the greatest fear You give You give Your Light You see negativity You give One Light The greatest challenge Is to remain neutral Always With every conscious breath In order to remain neutral You must remain present Even if your thoughts are on giving You must remain neutral Resist day dreaming of the future Resist living in non-reality Stay focused Stay present When you are present Your presence illuminates everything My life My love Your consistency in being presence Is the most powerful form of giving Focus Create the reality of my love Focus Create the reality of my life In order to nourish every seed with my life You must focus on being present Every breath Direct to every life Every breath Give the gift of my life Radiating all Transforming all One world One Life The awakening Of every life Sat Nam
Photo by Anthony DELANOIX on Unsplash