As you live with Light
As you live lightly
Return your focus to breathing
Each day
Give yourself peace
Create my breath
Breathe consciously
Please forgive
The limitations of man
See their Light
Remember what they give
What they choose to give
What they allow you to see
Humble your mind
Be grateful for what you receive
A gift through man
Is tenfold in kind
A mind overcome
To give to another mind
The greatest challenge
The greatest victory
A single moment of giving neutrality
Creates the Light for eternity
Each life
Contains a precious gift
How many have shared
How many have given
The living existence of Soul
Within each
Inside most
Live separate from Soul
Only a couple
Have lived as Soul
Only a handful
Have given from Soul
Only thousands
Even consider the life of Soul
Have you received
From Soul today
All receive from Soul
A life that has given you a glimpse of Soul
Is a life that is a precious gift to you
Their mind’s weaknesses
Their mind’s actions
They are rare gems
Born by the same One
Destroyed by minds
That choose to give nothing at all
Destroyed by minds
That hide their Soul
Serve the Light
Give your Soul life each day
Breathe consciously
Present your Soul
Listen to Soul
Liberate every Soul
Give the gift of neutrality
Remain neutral
Sat Nam