Tranquility and Balance Create Healing

Focus your life
On being peaceful
Where there is turmoil
Where there is unrest
Silence your mind
When others are cruel
Still the worlds ocean
Create my plentitude
Give your life to creating my life
Focus on being peaceful
Every moment lost to the mind
Every moment not seen
Forgive and move on
If one life lives continuously within my presence
The entire world feels my love
Every life
Is born to focus on my life
Every life
Is challenged by their mind
The mind is a tool
The mind needs to be used correctly
You must learn the correct way
In order to command the mind
Every disfunction of the mind
Is a game of the mind
If you want to remain peaceful
You must learn to command your mind
Commit to learning
Open your life to receiving
It is simply a challenge of perseverance
You must achieve victory
If one technique does not work
Try another one
If you have found a technique that works
Do not allow the mind to look for other ones
Wanting more
Is a way the mind wins control
The technique that works
Is One
Once you find your connection to my presence
Command the mind to remain connected
It is within my presence
You are complete
It is within my Light
You are balanced
It is within my presence
You are tranquility’s gate
For every life
For every life
Projecting my presence
For All
Sat Nam
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