Neutrality is the Gift of the Teacher

The pleasures of the mind
Will make you lose your Soul
Behind the darkness of the mind
Only the mind choices seen
Limited reality believed
You must resist the temptations of the mind
It will be your greatest challenge on this earth
Only the highest enlightened beings have achieved this
They achieved neutrality
At one hundred percent
There are many spiritual beings that walk this planet
Past, present, and future
Only a couple
Experienced absolute neutrality
The enlightened ones
The ones that seem to have powers
The only power they had
Was complete neutrality
In a pure state of neutrality
You are the pure vibration of the One.
All life
Feels you
All life
Is healed by you
Pure neutrality
Is the purest form of the One’s Light
All vibrations are attracted to the vibration of neutrality
As all vibrations are born to return to the One
Listen to your heart
If you are a being that hears your hearts song
The vibration of the One
Give your gift to others
Command your mind to neutral
If you achieve neutrality even for one second
You have achieved everything
Your mind is strong
But your mind is temporary
Your Soul is infinity
Your Soul is a part of the One
A golden drop of Light
Radiating from within you
Your Truth
Your heart’s song
And One with All
You must live your life to represent Truth
You must live your life to fulfill your heart
Your heart sings the One’s song
And you will be blessed
And you will be at peace
Your mind is at ease
When you listen to the One’s peace
Your mind runs to negativity
Because negativity is like a magnet
If you strengthen your mind with daily practice
You can make your mind victorious
Your mind
Becomes your student
Become your teacher
As your mind’s teacher
Every second
Every day
As you live as your teacher
You generate the vibration of the Teacher
One Light
One vibration
Walk through this day focused on teaching your mind
Place each foot consciously
Give this day
Sat Nam
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