Constantly guided
Constantly seeking
Join the two
Realize your Truth
The world exists
As you
Shape each moment
Take control
Keep the mind
As you enter each encounter
Separate your minds
Block the other mind
Realize who is who
Project my love
Shield your true identity
When others feel negativity
They experience their mind too
Remain peaceful
Allow the Truth to be known
Feeling others energy
Should be an awakening for all
Remaining neutral
Opens every eye
To see
To know
What they are
What they need to do
Some minds accept
Others minds rebel
When a mind is rebelling
Remain neutral
Shield yourself
You are neutral
Represent your Truth
Shield your identity from their mind
As with all minds you have encountered
From every lifetime
Clear yourself from them
Know what you are
Each energy absorbed
Is a piece of them in you
Clear it
Empty yourself
Be free from what each mind does
Be nothing
But what you are
My Light
My love
Living each moment
Simply to give my Word
Feeling each minds vibration
Represent what you are
You are here
To encounter each mind
To give each mind
The experience of my neutrality
Be what you are
The moment you remember my life
Is the moment you return to neutral
Simply live with my hand in yours
I will shield you from every mind
My embrace
Is to be received continuously
Not after an encounter
Not during an encounter
Remember my embrace
As you breathe each breath
Before, during, and after
Every encounter with every mind
A moment with my life
Is a moment with neutrality
Pure bliss
Given to the world
A mind given a neutral state
Is a mind given a drop of my infinity
Giving each Soul
An opportunity to awaken from each
Sat Nam