What are you preparing for
What are you waiting for
Do you seek within
Or do you seek from others
The only One that can transform you
Is within you
If you go to another for cleansing
Are they neutral
Did you hear their mind speak
Even one word of the mind
Did you hear the voice of the One
Where you allowed to speak
If the One chooses to uplift you
You will be uplifted
You must choose
Within or without
If you hold on to your blocks
You have blocks
You must release your blocks
In order to heal your blocks
Experiences of pain and suffer
Give the mind the excuse to create blocks
Do you have an open heart
Is it always open
If your heart is not always open
You have a block
Your mind opens and closes
When it chooses
The inability to share an experience
Is the mind reliving it
A negative experience
Creates a heightened awareness within the mind
In that negative moment
The mind is utilizing more of its abilities
The mind does not choose negativity
The mind chooses to be more functional
You must teach the mind to be neutral
You must help guide the mind in neutrality
The mind is at its best
When it is neutral
In order to reach neutrality
There is much effort to maintain it
Along the route to neutrality
There are many options to be negative
Negativity gives immediate gratification to the mind
Neutrality gives infinite gratification once it is reached
If you command your mind with patience
The mind will seek neutrality within you
If you maintain your grace
The mind will open every block to serve you
In a neutral state
Every channel within you is open
Guide your life
Lead your life
Open your blocks
Release what is from the past
Everything that ever hurt you
Everything that ever confined you
Forgive and release
Their mind will never be you
You will never be their mind
And release
Forgive each block within you
Feel each block within you release
Sat Nam
Photo by Matt Artz on Unsplash