Focus on Hearing Each Life’s Song
Breathe Commit to your conscious breath Receive each gift The Universe delivers Each a gift See through all aspects of it Each gift Use with ease Each gift Use every side of it You must study yourself in each situation In order to see the Truth You must see each mind neutrally In order to see the Truth If you hear your mind’s reaction You are not in a neutral state In every commotion Create peace In every direction Create my vibration When you are in a neutral state Every aspect of you is neutral Your body Every cell is relaxed Your mind Every thought is neutral Your Soul Every breath is conscious How are you sitting How are you walking Is your face relaxed when you are reading Is your body relaxed when you are climbing A neutral state Exists for every moment Capture it Live it If your body is not relaxed Your mind cannot be relaxed The Universe will grant you peace If you open your arms to receive Every moment is a challenge or a gift Choose to be a conscious breath Breathe Tune in to your state Breathe Give this day your conscious attention There are gifts In every moment There are opportunities In every conscious breath Give the day the opportunity to transform Breathe my life into each moment Sat Nam
Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash