The Universe Sees Everything

Every action
The Universe sees
Are a part of the Universe
The mind may keep you safe from knowing
Your Soul sees everything
Every impure intention
Is known
When the mind and Soul send opposite messages
You feel a duality growing
The impure intention of another
May cause disbelief
The Soul sends you messages in neutrality
It is up to you to believe
Receive in neutrality
Create peace within
If you allow the mind to generate reactions
You become reactionary
The impure intentions of another
Is not something to react to
If you have been gifted to see the unseen
Bless the moment with grace
The impure heart
Is known by the Universe
The innocent giving of love
Walks as One with Mother Earth
You must practice seeing negativity
In order to prepare to receive neutrally
The human mind
Can create the greatest negativity
In order to remain neutral
You must commit to your Truth
You must face every negative mind
With a pure vibration
Pure neutrality
Infinite patience
An innocent heart
Is an infinite source of divine love
If an innocent heart is blocked
All will stop receiving
You must open your heart
You must let go of other’s impure actions
One moment from the past
Can affect lifetimes
Leave the impurities of the past
Know what you are
Open the flow of your love
Give the gift of my love to the world
Prepare your life with each breath
Remember every moment of pure Trust
The Universe is your infinite source
Know that you are receiving
An open heart
Is in union with giving
Sat Nam

Photo by Gary Bendig on Unsplash

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