Deliver the Light to Your Life

You must respect yourself
In front of all
You must confront yourself
In front of all
You must give yourself the same quality of life
That you give to all
If you care for others
You must also care for yourself
You must heal yourself first
Then you will have the true ability to heal others
If you have experienced self-healing
Glorify it
Give it your respect
Give it your full attention
The ability to heal
Is the ability to create
To end the cycle of illness and healing
You must begin
Begin to love yourself
Begin to heal yourself
Begin to give
Begin to give openly
When you seek help from others
You will never be satisfied
The truth of what you are seeking
Is that you are seeking your own Truth
Your Truth
Is as you were born knowing it
If others doubt you
Silence their words in your mind
If others judge you
Silence their words in your mind
In all the years that you have been living
You still resonant with your Truth at birth
It will never change
You will be you always
Live as you are
Live as the life that you seek to live
Let go of every assumed role you are supposed to live
Let go of every demand made on you by a mind
Never live as the mind wants
Commit to living as Soul guides you to live
Is your Truth
Is your birth song
Every glorious moment in your life
Is a moment with Soul
Every brilliant memory of the Light
Is an experience with Soul
You may travel lifetimes seeking outside yourself
Attempt to seek within
Within you
Is everything
Every answer
Every solution
You need nothing
When you are everything
Sat Nam

Photo by Xuan Nguyen on Unsplash

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