Trust Creates Patience and Peace Within

Breathe my sight
Create neutrality inside
The Ones that choose to live for me
Are the Ones that climb mountains for me
Every step taken
Is done differently
Giving their life to humanity
Mistakes are made
By all
Who will be judged
The Ones that choose to love
The ones that judge
Are the ones that do not see as I do
They see
With their minds
They see
With their emotions
They create judgment
They create negativity
The Ones that choose to live to give
Are the Ones that create neutrality
Each are creators
Choose your life consciously
Speak neutrally
To create neutrality
Even in the face of negativity
Choose to speak neutrally
The darkness of one
Is healed by the neutrality of the One
Allow negativity to speak
Stand up for the One with how you choose to speak
Speak neutrally
Speak of One Truth
Negativity creates negativity
Speak up for neutrality
Stand up for your love of neutrality
Speak peacefully through neutral words
Choose each word
Slow the mind down
Command it to ask permission to speak
Patience with negativity
Will create a sacred space for it to heal
Pure love
Is see all neutrally
Your life
Is to go to what is presented to you
Remain neutral
Fall into each moment freely
Your trust in my life
Lifts your wings to fly
For Oneness
Pure in body
Pure in mind
To give my love to all
Sat Nam
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