Teach the Mind to Say Goodbye to the Past

You must face your negativity
Your holding on to what has finished
What used to be in your life
Was a gift
Once it has left
Silence your mind’s complaints
Your closest friend
Your worst enemy
Now a part of yesterday
See this moment
See today
As a gift
Breathe consciously
A new moment
An opportunity for a new experience
Let go of yesterday
Let go of the past
People long for what they have lost
With anger and regret
You must see your grieving
As what it is
The mind’s holding on to the past
Do not tarnish your memories
With distortions of the past
The mind’s inability to let go
Can ruin lifetimes
The mind is negative
When it loses something that it wants
Sit with your negativity
Give your negativity attention
Once you face your own clinging to the past
You can release your negativity
Forgive yourself
Forgive others
What the mind wants
Is not what was for you
Look at what you have
Be grateful for everything in this world
When the mind releases it’s control
You can breathe easily
Cherish what remains in your life
Give wind to what grew wings
Every moment
Passes instantly
Time with the greatest Teacher
Time with the smallest insect
Cherish each moment
Train your mind to live
Live to live life
Your choices
Are what you choose in this life
Your attitude
Is the attitude you choose each moment
Seek to nourish your life
In doing so you will nourish all that you encounter
Seek to have gratitude for all positive and negative
In doing so you will unite both and be neutral
Creates the Light’s true form
Creates an opportunity for growth
Sat Nam
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