Rest in Your Own Arms

Rest in your own arms
Feel Divinity at its best
Trust in your life
Trust in every life
The moment you feel God
You feel beautiful
You are at peace
You create peace
You reside in a sacred space
A space that cannot be destructive
No one can harm you
You cannot harm yourself
You live
As you were born to live
You give
As you were born to give
As you begin to love your life
You let go of other’s life
You life as your life
You allow other’s to live as their life
You let go of attachments
You maintain neutral bonds
In the presence of all
You project my love
As you continue
You leave a trail of my Light
You create the opportunity
For all to feel their golden link to my life
Golden links to my life
Completely free from attachments
Every mind encountered
Is met with unbreakable neutrality
Every life encountered
Is given my life
As you are
You shall always be
Believe in every eye’s sight
Believe in your visions of the unseen
You are walking with me
Is limitless
Is weightless
My Love
Frees your life by connecting you to all neutrally
Sat Nam

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

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