Love is Able to See Through Every Mind
Your spirit Is invincible Your commitment Is controlled by your mind You must learn to command the mind In order to be free from the mind Meditation Conscious breathing These are the tools that work for all Commit to making them a part of your day Just one conscious breath during the day Will bring you back to neutral Even one single moment in neutrality Will transform your day Live with the goal to transform yourself Live with the plan to be neutral A neutral face Is a relaxed face A neutral experience Is a peaceful experience Even the raging bull Can be seen from neutral eyes If you choose to see What is the Truth that is behind the rage If you poke a stick at any mind It will defend itself instantly What you are Is what you will always be The love and Light Of the One Create What all are Create love Create Light Transform each mind With neutrality Soothe each mind With tranquility Grace Is a moment of conscious living Seeing yourself Seeing the other Give each moment the opportunity to be neutral Commit to your neutrality Give your entire life to the conscious breath The conscious breath will create peace within you Your vibration Is projected to all Choose your vibration Choose to radiate neutrality Breathe consciously Speak consciously Sat Nam
Photo by Jong Marshes on Unsplash