Love Follows Love

Live your life
As your heart’s song
If you approach the day
With an attitude of gratitude
You will win the day
With love
Every being that you see
Will appreciate the vibration you create
Be direct
Seek words that unite
If the body is tired
The mind will take over
Relax your mind
Rest your entire being
When you balance has been jeopardized
Look for what will bring healing
Let go of the mind’s complaints
Give what brings balance
Give your life my song
Give your mind my stillness
Rest your body
Nourish your body
Eliminate everything
That brings imbalance
Prepare your day
Give your life success
Return to living for your Light
Realize when you need to rest
Your mind will fight for survival
Amplifying every negativity
Seek my Light
Bring balance to your life
Return to your heart’s song
Give your life my path
On living
On creating balance
Summon my strength within you
Defend your life’s Truth
Live to be neutral
Live to give yourself my song
Preserve your gratitude throughout the day
Nourish your life with what it needs
Eliminate everything that is extreme
Create pure living in my hand
Receiving nourishment from my life
Giving my life to each moment
Purity of mind
Purity of body
Pure union
One Soul
Sat Nam
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