Living Consciously Brings You Everything You Need

Give your life my Light
Focus on this moment
How can you give
How can you radiate my love
Seek my life
In every moment
If you live with my life
You have everything
Your world will awaken
Through your dedication
Pure in thought
Every moment
Lived to breathe consciously
Through my love
I will connect all
Through your mind
You will live separately from all
Choose your Soul
My life within you
To escort you
To illuminate each step for you
Find your way
Listen to my Word
In every word
Vibrate my Word
See each vibration
Feel every One
Waiting to be called on
Stir each with my love
A golden Light
Connecting all to One
Be conscious for one
Silence your fears
Silence your worries
Bring the day to silence
Open my day to all
Each moment
Let go of the mind’s focus
The mind inflates each task
Deflate each task with the breath
Realize only I exist
In every moment
As each Soul
I am
Before you
I am
Beside you
I am all
All are my life
Every task
Eliminate from the mind
Train the mind to focus
The only task is to focus on my love
One task
My love
One goal
My love
One vibration
Radiating from all
One life
Alive and awakened in all
Your remembrance of my Word
Transform each moment for me
Serve my life
Give my life neutrality
My life
Serve your life
My love
Sat Nam
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