Speak Gracefully to Transform Every Negativity

Breathe my Light into your day
Focus on my life
Every life begins with neutrality
Your gift is your ability to see your birth self
If you wish to be your birth self
Be graceful with your past
Forgive every word
Forgive every action
Clear your being of others
Be as you were born
Beginnings are beautiful
My love fills all of my creations
Your mind stores everything
In multiple ways
Every mind
Is a brilliant machine
It uses your memories
To calculate each moment
Your mind is always seeking to work
Your mind is a tool that works continuously
You must focus your mind to be neutral
Train your mind to preserve your Truth
At every ungraceful moment
Teach your mind
That grace is always to be maintained
Grace and neutrality
Go hand in hand
A neutral voice
Is a graceful voice
Projects to all
Projects to all
If you wish to live as your Truth
You must begin to live as your birth self
Drop every distortion of yourself
Train your mind
Negativity is false
Train your mind
The negativity of others is ungraceful
Train your mind
Maintaining your grace is a victory
Train your mind
Your neutrality is the greatest challenge
Begin living your life
As your birth self
Radiating my Light to all
Projecting my love to all
And free
Sat Nam
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