Limitations Do Not Exist When You Are Timeless

As your dreams
On creating consciously
Command the mind
To repeat words that create unity
Command the mind
To repeat my Word with every breath
Command the mind
To set your Soul free
If you live in unity with every aspect of you
You are healthy, happy, and holy
Your body is healthy
You take great care of your body
Your mind is happy
You guide your mind to neutrality
Your Soul is holy
Your Truth is known and present in every aspect of you
You must live your life
As your own guide
You must guide your choices
You must forgive your decisions
If you long for a different outcome
Free the past
Choices are present always
Make the decision to choose what you want
Now that you have tried other choices
Make the decision to choose the one you want now
Every decision is made in the present
In the present moment you choose what seems best
Now is the time to choose what is best for you
Let go of choosing what is best for others
In order to serve others
You must care for your life first
If there is nothing left of you
You cannot lead anyone else
If you give until there is an imbalance within yourself
You do not give equally from each aspect of yourself
Divine unity
Begins with unity of the self
Each aspect of your self
Must be equally cared for
If there is an imbalance in one aspect of your self
The other aspects of your self are impacted
If the body is not cared for
The mind is out of control
If the mind is out of control
The mind is not commanded or cared for
If there is an imbalance
The Soul becomes shadowed by the imbalance
If the mind chooses not to believe this
The mind is dictating your life
You can believe you are spiritual
And in many aspects you are
But if you do not care for each aspect of yourself
Your life is dictated by the mind’s choices
You are not in balance
You do not see yourself
You must create balance
In order to project your Soul
Care for your life
Individual consciousness must be obtained first
Before you can understand group consciousness
In order to serve others
You must serve your life first
Consciously breathe
Pray that you remember just one breath today
Pray that you live to live to create unity within yourself
Sat Nam

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

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