Confront Each Mind with Soul

Your resilience
Is stronger than any mind
Your mind
Is as strong as any mind
When your mind is confronted by another mind
Choose to present your Soul
Soul is the absolute strength with you
Soul is your ability to remain neutral
If you choose neutrality
You choose consistency
Creates change within your mind
You must free yourself from the mind’s thoughts
Thoughts are nothing
Thoughts do not exist
Yet thoughts carry a vibration
Your vibration
Dictates the moment
Does your vibration change
When a mind confronts your mind
In order to remain neutral
You must focus on neutrality
Every word you speak
Creates a thought in the minds around you
What you speak
Is how you are received
Your words
Are your vibration
Your thoughts
Are your vibration
If you are angry
You activate the mind of others
If you are inpatient
You activate the mind of others
Silence the negativity of the mind
Commit to being neutral
Giving your life to One vibration
Is silencing the negativity from within
One by one
Each thought is silenced
One by one
Each vibration is transformed
Each moment
Peck away at the layers of the mind
Each moment you are successful
Builds upon the other
One step forward on your path
Is forever
The success of your life
Is based on your neutrality
Believe in your life
Accept every challenge
The challenge is to be neutral
Accept each challenge gracefully
Create the habit to silence negativity
Train your mind
Negativity is counterproductive
Negativity is the opposite of victory
Excel within your life
Transform your negativity
Your grace is called upon
Present your Soul in each moment
Give the gift of your Soul
To every life you meet today
As each thought of the mind comes
Heal it with your focus on Soul
The presence of Soul
Transforms the moment
The vibration within all
Sat Nam

Photo by Gustavo A. Pérez on Unsplash

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