Beginning and Ending Happens Simultaneously

Now is the time
To live in the present
Now is the time
To create each dream
New beginnings
Welcome the new
Bless each new awakening
Every ending
Let go of every old way of living
Bless its transformation
In order to give
You must have the courage to live
Give yourself
As your true self
Let go of negativity
Clear yourself of every life encountered
From birth
One by one
Let go of everything absorbed
Send it to my Light to be healed
Remember every Word I give to you
One by one
Send each to my Light
Each negativity
Send to my Light
Every lost Soul
Send to my Light
Every bad experience
Send to my Light
Every life on earth
Send to my Light
Every unconscious mind
Send to my Light
Project my Light to each
Send each to my Light
See yourself
Fully illuminated
Protected by my Light
Guided by my Light
Embraced in my Light
Send a trail of my Light directly to me
As I am
So you experience
Practice healing everything stored
Until you have cleared everything
Each life lived gracefully
Is a moment lived for all
Love as my life
Give as my life
Each moment lived in remembrance of me
Is a moment of my love created for all
Sat Nam

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

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