Allow the Universe to Shield You from Negativity

Be graceful
When others are in chaos
Be a leader
When others push to lead
Recognize unconscious behavior
For what it is
Recognize it
Never encourage it
Defend yourself against it
With your grace
Be consistent in your words
Be consistent in your actions
Practice at home
Practice where it is most difficult
The only Teacher you have
Is the Teacher within
There is One Word
That resides in all
If you seek from others
You will receive nothing at all
If you listen to your Soul
You will feel every petal bloom within you
The sky will be seen
For the first time
The world will be felt
At a distance from your Truth
Your breath will become conscious
Your life will become aware of all
Every step you take
Is a step closer to where I am going
Shield yourself from every mind
Allow the Universe to serve you
You are standing
Amongst many that sleep
Sit with my love
Sit and receive
Lower yourself slowing
Ground yourself fully
Shield yourself with my Light
Focus on seeing your Truth
Your consistency
Is your key to success
If you can remain neutral
You will transform your life
The greatest challenge
When you surrender to my life
You live consistently from my life
See your life
Know your consciousness
You are here to serve
With every step
Hear my heart beat
Every challenge that rages towards you
Open your arms with grace
Receive every vibration
With the neutrality of your heart
Your mind will resist
Resist your mind
Command your life to be neutral
Neutral and in love with all life
What you are
The sight of all
Seeing my life in all
The sound of all
Hearing my Word from all
Focus on your Truth
Present neutral words
Silence of the mind
Creates neutrality in your presence
Sat Nam

Photo by Sam Carter on Unsplash

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