Fill your life instantly
Your ability to breathe
Is your connection to me
Relax every cell
Be the moment
Live in this world
As my Light in every night
I wait for none
As I am One with all
My pure vibration
Found in every cell
Alive in every being
You see me
Where there is peace
See me
Where there is unrest
Create my peace
In the eyes of every negativity
What is negative
When you are One with me
Within every life
Watch my life grow
From within every heart
As my love
My neutrality
Sit in silence
Within your mind
With my ears
With my eyes
Within Infinity
You are always
Choose to transform
Your life for others
Choose to change
Everything within your mind
My love
In every direction
Projecting my life
The mind’s unrest
Creates the storm
Soothe each moment
With the power of my Word
To my Word
Feel each moment
As my Word’s creation
Every moment
Creations from all
Heals each one
My love
Unties all
My Word
Creates my vibration
A simple way
Infinity’s grace
Live to be
My grace
Live as One
With Infinity’s pace
Sat Nam