A Neutral Being is One that Transforms All Negativity with Neutrality

What begins
What ends
Begin neutrality
Each and every step
After you ended this way
Begin again
After each time you slip away
Attempt to begin
With peace and Light
New beginnings
Are limitless
Conscious attempts at neutrality
Are priceless
Gifts of my love
Give examples
Of neutrality
Give neutrality
With each negativity received
Give yourself neutrality
In order to give neutrality to another
Before you speak
Listen to your words
Are you in a neutral state
Have you listened to yourself
What you give
Is what you create
In the face of the most negative mind
Be neutral
When your mind wants to fight
Negativity with negativity
Win the only victory of Truth
Be neutral
Ones that preach with the tongue of negativity
Live in the darkness of their mind
They long for neutrality
Their mind’s obsessions control their tongue
Give them neutrality
Pray that they may hear themselves
Would they speak the same words
To all
Would they speak the same words
To One
Negativity is inconsistency
Of the mind
The mind wants to be neutral
Yet the mind lives with negativity
Practice being neutral
Each moment you realize you are negative
You have won
The Light has allowed you to hear yourself
A moment of Truth
Be grateful
For each moment you hear yourself
Each moment lived consciously
Is a moment to choose neutrality
You have heard your Light
You have silenced your negativity
Now is the time
Speak the Words of the Light
Sat Nam
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