Your Resilience is Built on Your Trust
Build your life On your Truth Surrender your life Let go of the individual day Give your life a new moment A moment to live freely Rest your mind Silence every thought Rest your body Give it everything that it needs You are here To hear everything Present each moment With my love Present each moment From its Truth Leave every thought behind See the moment with my Truth Silence your mind Create a moment of neutral My Light My love Give each moment your strength Stand for the Light within all Remember my Name Believe in your Truth Clear your vibration of all Return to a state of neutral Your resilience Will blaze your trail to me Your trust Will lead you to each moment with me Your love Will fill you with all that you need Living each moment Free from every moment Living As One with love As your life leads you to my Light Share each step with all Feel the strength of my Light Residing in every cell Shield your Truth from every thought Illuminate your life Radiate your Light Shine brightly for all Sat Nam
Photo by Fabian Burghardt on Unsplash