Your Patience Will Calm Each Mind

Face your mind
Prepare for your abilities
The energy given to you
Must be directed to within you
From within you
Center your being
Project what is given
Expel what is no longer needed
The Universe is giving you everything
Open your life to receiving
Command this moment
Open your life to be renewed
The mind that confronts you
Is the mind that seeks to find peace from you
Your patience will create neutrality
Your patience will protect you
The act of patience
Creates the moment of opportunity
Opportunity for you
Opportunity for the other
A neutral moment
Gives the opportunity to choose grace
Graceful speaking
Graceful thinking
The childish mind challenges you
Serve the Soul within
The childish mind longs to belong
Speak to their Soul to begin
A precious moment in time
An endless moment in infinity
A new mind
Is a pliable mind
Welcome all minds
Create the opportunity of neutrality
Lead with neutrality
See with totality
Project with neutrality
Receive with totality
Become nothing
Be your pure self
The Soul self
The drop of the One
One drop
An infinite ocean
Merge each drop
Become One ocean
Calm each wave of the mind
Soothe each storm of negativity
Teach each mind
The gift of neutrality
Train each mind
To follow the Light of their Soul
The Truth of all life
From the gentlest creature
To the cruelest fighter
One Soul of Light
Within every life
Lead each mind to neutrality
Light the path of all
One Light
One Soul
One path
The One gift within all
Pure neutrality of the Soul
Sat Nam

Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash

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