Your Focus Determines Your Success
Change your focus Breathe Life is known When you focus on it Breathe Listen to all You are travelling You are being delivered Place each step Consciously Receive each breath Graciously The moment you realize what you are Is the moment you live freely Each encounter Live as the Light within all Each moment Listen to my heart beat Inside you Inside all The moment you live consciously Is the moment you choose to live The world is calling Can you project my love Each one Every one Eliminate complaints Eliminate negativity See each darkness Heal each darkness When you focus on the Light in each life You experience my Light in each life See each negativity Focus on my neutrality Your focus Is your projection Begin your day with my love Focus on your love for my life My life In every life Reach each experience With gratitude Give freely Give endlessly Give Until you are continuously giving Give Until your routine is giving Give Until giving is the focus Give Until giving is One with every breath Every life you give my love to Is a life that you receive my love from Giving Every blessing you receive Giving As a way of life with me Sat Nam
Photo by Sangga Rima Roman Selia on Unsplash