The Simplicity of Life is Found in the Breath of Life
Breathe consciously Breathe fully Breathing to receive Is the way to peace Every life is living Regardless of how it is breathing Sit with your breath Enjoy the day Relax the mind Silence it fully What the mind sees as difficult Is what causes the greatest reaction What is a reaction It is the mind’s attempt at failure Failure The mind’s greatest fear Failure The mind’s greatest focus Every event in your life The mind judges Will you succeed Will you fail Even if you haven’t even tried The mind will make you fear that you will fail Do you fear attention Or do you fear a lack of attention Will you be satisfied Or will you be dissatisfied If you cannot begin with your breath The mind will prevent you from beginning You must create your focus You must create your dream If you focus on the present moment The present moment succeeds Life is simple If you live in the present moment Life is beautiful If you receive the gift of life consciously Every fear within you Is erased with your determination to be neutral Every moment in your life Is received fully if you choose to receive Every life is living Choose to receive your life consciously Live as the ability to see consciously Release the ability to live unconsciously In order to live as your life’s purpose You must choose to live as the song in your breath Consciously breathing Consciously living Living with all life Living as the Oneness in your heart One focus One breath Your life Flowing freely From my life To all life Sat Nam
Photo by Abigail Lynn on Unsplash