The Neutrality of the Soul Transforms All Negativity

When you eliminate judgement
You have cleared your mind
Every mind
Challenges every life
Some live
In blindness
Others choose
To see all darkness
The ones that choose to see
Have accepted the challenge to be
To face life
If you choose to walk with me
You are choosing to live with me
You must begin
With opening your eyes
What others choose not to see
What others choose not to feel
Face the vibration of others
Call on your resilience
The remembrance of my life
Fills you with my Light
Project everything
That I have given to you
Is the first step
Remaining neutral
Is the greatest challenge
All spiritual practitioners
Attempt to remain neutral
Achieves pure neutrality
As I am
All are
In their perfection
As all are born
Life with the mind
Builds negativity upon negativity
Free your self from your experiences
Focus on my Word
Open your eyes
Call on your heart
Holding your position to see
Brace your neutrality
Call on your heart
On your Light
On your love
Call on your Soul
Create neutrality in this world
One Soul
Living as One with me
Call on your Truth
Summon the Truth of all
Experience my life
Live as my life for all
Seeing all
Feeling all
All judgments
Speaking neutrally
With all
Speaking neutrally
Within all
Creating my vibration
Transforming a single moment
Transforming a single moment
For all
Sat Nam
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