The Love from Soul Brings You to Neutrality
In order to love your day You must live your day Feel fulfilled in each moment Break from stagnancy Change is everywhere With or without seen movement Change is continuously With or without conscious awareness The gifts from the Light Are always with you Once received consciously They are with you for eternity If you feel far from prior gifts received Your mind is wrong Your mind is not in control Your mind is also a tool for you You command your mind You decide your vibration Every word that you speak Every thought that you think In order to live your life joyfully You must choose to see joyfully See your Soul’s love Create neutrality Your Soul Is the Truth of you Your mind Is your tool If you allow your mind to focus on negativity Your vibration will be filled on negativity If you choose to focus on neutrality Your vibration will be filled with neutrality Begin each thought with a conscious decision Choose to focus on the Light of the One One moment within the vibration of the Light Will bring your Soul into your awareness Imagine each conversation First in thought Pause with humility Silently focus on love Call on your Soul’s love for all Create neutrality in your words As each mind speaks to you Feel embraced by Soul’s love If you focus on Soul You will create each moment consciously If you allow your mind or another’s to affect you You will live your life outside of neutrality You must gift your life with your love You must gift your life with Soul’s love Neutrality Is every life’s beginning Neutrality Is every life’s Truth As you were born So you shall forever be A golden vibration of Light The Soul of all life Sat Nam
Photo by Melanie Magdalena on Unsplash