Resistance to Change is the Negativity of the Mind

05/22/2022 Tratakam
You are everything
To me
Your unexpected smile
Your secret dance
Give your life a chance
All my life through you to change
You are not broken
You are not a slave
Free yourself from your mind
Explore the possibilities with me
You are not trapped
Run from the mind that keeps you away
Keep running until you feel free
You must believe in your life
You must give your life possibilities
Accept the opportunities that you receive
Believe every message I give to you
You are not here to be broken
You are not here to be defeated by negativity
You are here to be my love
Walk away from negativity while you project my love
Walk away from those that hate
Pray that they hearts receive
Walk away from those that choose to not see
Pray that they begin to see my Truth
Walk away from every life
Live free from attachment from every negativity
The mind’s greatest addiction
Walk away
Give your life freedom
You are free
When you live neutrality
You are free
When you reject negativity
You can create your day
Create the day you dream of
Live as your Truth
Live my Truth
Accept my offerings for the day
Begin your life today
Sat Nam

Photo by Jacques LE HENAFF on Unsplash

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