Remain Neutral While Others Receive
Create for All
Be neutral as All receive
Be happy
Be grateful
When another receives
Life is beautiful
A blessing received
Is a blessing given
So many blessings given
That are never fully received
Celebrate for them
Remain neutral to help them
Care for the space around All
Remain neutral and remain grounded
When another receives
Never hinder their growth
Now is not the time for opinions
Now is the time to allow them to feel free
Free in spirit
Free from their mind
Loving life
Loving their life
The life they have received
Is a sacred gift from above
Honor their Soul
Remain neutral
Your mind may be jealous
Your mind may be angry
Honor your Soul
Remain neutral
If you can only give one thing
Give your silence
If you silence your mind
You are consciously aware of its errors
Of course your mind wants what everyone else has
But does your Soul want it
Ask your Soul
What am I supposed to have
Your Soul will very gracefully say
You have everything
You speak to me
You see my life
Within you
I am your Light
I guide you through all
I calm your mind
Listen to me
I am your life
When you are at peace
The only thing you want is me
One with the One
One with All
When you are with me
You have everything you want
True desires
Only exist in neutrality
The mind’s desires
Change continuously
That you are where you are supposed to be
That you are living exactly as you are supposed to be
To live consciously in communication with your Soul
Is the greatest form of receiving from above
If you long to give
I will guide you to where you are to give
If you long to create
I will guide you to what you are to create
Breathe until you feel that you are home
Where you are
Is where I am
I am
I am
I am the Light that you are
I am the Light that all are
Sat Nam