Receive what you dream for
Receive everything you need
It is there
Waiting for you to receive
Open your heart
Open your mind
Focus on what you wish to receive
Stop focusing on bills
Stop focusing on routines
Receive what you wish to receive
Receive a beautiful day
Receive a new friend
Receive everything there is to receive
Receive respect
Receive gratitude
Receive what you deserve to receive
Your birth right
Is to receive from the Universe
Your life
Is beautiful
Your life
Is complete
Receive everything
Everything that is being given to you
Focus on love
Receive love
Focus on feeling complete
Receive what fulfills your dreams
When you can be anything
Be yourself
When you can receive everything
Receive with humility
Receive a chance
To feel grounded
Ground yourself
Use the tools that you have received
The secret to receiving
Is utilizing everything that you have received
Once you have received something from the Universe
You have it for eternity
Did you ever receive grace
Then grace is within you
Did you ever receive confidence
Then confidence is within you
Have you ever received the experience of the One
Then the One lives within you
Pray for remembrance of the One
The One will deliver instantly
You cannot give away something inanimate
The love you received is always there
You may ignore it
You may have forgotten all about it
It is there
Waiting for you to remember it
If you feel there is more that you need
Focus on it
What did you receive
Have you acknowledged it
Do you love life
Do you love to give life to others
The experience of the Light
The experience of joy and love
When you give someone your neutrality
They will never forget it
It is the experience of being accepted
Accepted exactly as they are
You see their Truth
You give them the reflection of their Truth
They are not their past
They are not mind’s stored emotions and actions
They are One
They are exactly what you are
One Light
One life
Give everything that you receive
Receive continuously
Simply live your day in neutrality
Love everything that you do
Do everything that you love
You can be everything you long to be
If you receive from above
Sat Nam
Photo by Sterling Lanier on Unsplash