Cleanse Your Aura Everyday
Focus your thoughts
Focus your words
Become still
Breathe until you reach there
Cleanse yourself
Of everyone’s ideas
Bring yourself closer
Closer to my life
Sit beside me
Allow my Light to heal you
Inhale my Light
Exhale all that is not a part of you
When you feel turmoil
Sit upon the earth
Connect to your Mother
Listen to your Father
Sit in stillness
Feel your heart beat
You are pulsing
You are vibrating
See what happens
When you change what you are doing
Feeling the sky
Swimming on the earth
The world is amazing
Stay focused on your heart
Clear yourself
Strengthen your Truth
One that is always present
One that is hidden by most
Is always there
You must seek it
In order to find it
You must let go of your expectations
To experience it
Is always present
Giving life to all
Cycles occur
Free yourself from them
Cleanse your aura from what is not your Truth
Give everything to Oneness
When you change your vibration
You become what you created
In order to cleanse yourself
You must change your vibration
Call on the Universe
The directed focus on the Universe will serve you
When you are at peace
Your vibration is at peace
When you are at peace
Others do not disturb you
When you allow others to disturb you
Your vibration changes
When your vibration changes
Your aura changes
Your aura is your vibration
It surrounds you
Your aura is affected by you
Not anyone else
You change your vibration
You allow yourself to react to others
If you do not allow your mind to react
Then you remain in stillness
The daily practice of stillness
Consciously creates stillness
If you begin with stillness
You are creating stillness
If you create stillness
You are actively attempting to remain still
If you are trying to remain still
You are remembering stillness
The moment you forget stillness
You become your reaction
Your vibration changed
Your aura changed
The longer you can remain in stillness
The stronger your aura becomes
The more you practice being in stillness
The longer you can achieve stillness
Only the greatest of spiritual masters
Achieved 100% stillness
Only the select 1%
Even attempt at being still
Honor your life
Your life is honored by the Heavens
Remembering the breath
Guides you to stillness
All traditions that create peace within
Create the vibration of stillness
Honor the Ones that create peace for others
They seek support as One
Sat Nam
Photo by Gilberto Parada on Unsplash