One Teacher, One Student, One Soul

Give everything to me
Give me your Light
Give me your peace
Give to me
What you long to receive
I keep you with me
My embrace is unknown
Realize that you are with me
Feel my Light’s embrace
Clear the past
Clear your field of energy
All minds create energy
Clear everything with my vibration
A vibration is both concrete and abstract
My vibration is concrete and abstract
Proof is always available
If you choose to believe
The mind doubts the concrete proof
Vibrations can be measured and calculated
There is always proof
Command the mind to believe
Release doubts
Release worries
Focus on my Word
Create my world around you
Focus on my stillness
Create my Light from within you
We live as One
In this world there is only One
Look as yourself
When you see another’s eyes
Believe in yourself
Your life in another’s life
Focus on Oneness
Create Oneness
Focus on neutrality
Create neutrality
Focus on my Light
Create my Light’s embrace
Create for One
Create for All
Enter this day
As you entered your life
As One life
You live as One Soul
Each life
A projection of my Light
Focus on my Light
Clear the vibrations for all
Focus on my Light
See my Light radiating in all
In your life
Is One life
In One life
Is all life
Live in One vibration
Create Oneness for all
Sat Nam

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

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