Merge Giving and Receiving

Make a plan
That can be sustained

Set goals
That are already happening

If you allow yourself to receive
You can give as much as you receive

Do you understand
You must receive in order to give

Fear of giving properly
Will block you from receiving

There is nothing to lose
If you receive nothing

This is a safety net of the mind
This is where it feels comfortable

Preventing losing
By never receiving

Now do you understand

You must receive
In order to give

You have already received
Start with giving all that you have

You will not lose anything
When what you are giving is abstract

Words given
Words shared

They are your vibration
They will always be a part of you

Steer away from monetary claims of the mind
They will take you away from your dreams

You do not need to buy anything
You just need to give

If you want the cycle to end
Start giving

The cycle started
When you stopped giving

Look at that

The forward momentum
Was blocked

Your mind began to live in the past
Your mind recreated more blocks

Once you stopped giving
Nothing satisfied you

Once you stopped giving
Your life felt worthless

Your mind has been in control
Protecting you from feeling sorrow again

Not giving started everything
Now the mind labels giving the same as receiving

If your mind has merged preventing both
Allow your Soul to lead you to the Truth

Giving and receiving
Are One

See the Truth
In the unity of both

The mind keeps blocks each
While making you think one prevents the other

Opportunities to give
Are created for you

Receive each opportunity to give

Sat Nam

Photo by Élisabeth Joly on Unsplash

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