Create Every Breath
Be patient
Create your Truth
It is already there
Inside of You
Be present
Be prepared
There are many distractions
Making you feel inpatient and scared
Be resilient
Know your strength
Stay connected
Remember every breath
You can feel far
Or you can feel near
You choose
You choose every moment
Focus on this moment
What can be achieved in this single moment
Continuously planning
Prevents life from being lived
Find a location
Start with where
Once you know where
Work on what you will teach
Once you know what
Practice how you will present
Once how has been practiced
Do not focus on why you didn’t start sooner
Be present
Be confident
Your love will be projected
Your life will be one that serves
If you feel nervous
Change the subject in your mind
If you feel unprepared
If you can cross the line of wishing and doing
You can achieve anything
Before you feel time has been lost
Find a location
Give in person first
Start as many things as you like
Just begin
There are no rules
There are no restrictions
If you are presenting your love for Truth
Truth will serve you
You can transform lives
If you transform your life
Overcoming self-inflicted difficulties
Is the greatest program of all humans
Self-inflicted difficulties
Where do you stand within these
Become a part of the community
By being present in the community
Become a friend
Become a neighbor
Live within the community
Live within the community
Choose the daily environment
That serves your higher purpose
Now is the time
Now is the time to be You
Sat Nam