Change Each Cycle of the Mind with the Conscious Breath

Bring your life back to neutral
Let the mind go
What you have been born to do
Is to breathe consciously for all
Give your day my love
Give your day my Light
Create peace within
Create peace for all
Believe in the ability to create
Focus on your Soul’s Oneness with all
Each moment with Soul
Is a moment with every life
Give your life harmony
Give your life rest
Live each day as your heart’s dream
Leave everything else
Your life is a gift
Receive this gift consciously
Every moment lived unconsciously
Is a moment stored by the mind
Unnecessary memories
Held on to with the fists of the mind
Every moment of unconscious behavior
Is a moment to be forgotten with the past
Change your routines
Change your breathing
What you feel in a room
Is what others are experiencing
Connect with every Soul
Breathe consciously
Focus on my life
Radiate the Soul with my Word
Recite my Word with every thought
Cleanse the mind of its negativity
Heal the moment that you have entered
Focus on maintaining the presence of Soul
Heal each moment
Release everything that is on the surface
Your Soul is your foundation
Your Soul is your strength
Dwell in my Light
Dwell in my love
Create the space for healing
Guide each with my neutral path
Give each moment your Truth
Breathe consciously for all
Sat Nam

Photo by Josh Riemer on Unsplash

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