Begin Today as Your Path

Brings you closer to all
The mind
Can take you far from the closest loved one
You must consider
Where each thought comes from
When there is love
There is Light everywhere
If you feel helpless
Your mind has set boundaries
If you feel shapeless
You are living as Soul
You are
You are
Let go of the disfunctions of each mind
Live as Soul for every life
The gift of life is everywhere
See each gift from neutral eyes
True love is neutral
False love creates boundaries
When love if limitless
Limits do not exist
When you need to be yourself
Leave your mind behind
You are
Be what you are
In the eyes of all that see you
Breathe neutrality into the air
Every life
Is seen by the mind
Every comparison
Every distortion
If life is seen by Soul
The life seen is Soul
If what you need is to run
Run with all
If what you need is to meditate
Meditate with all
If you wish to live
Live with all
If you wish to learn
Learn with all
Share every experience
Silence the competition of the mind you face
Every mind
Is a powerful tool
If you learn to give to the mind that limits you
You will free yourself from that mind too
Focus on my Word
Focus on my Light within you
Bring your Truth forward
Present your Soul to the world
Create peace within your life
Live as your Soul today
Filled with love for life
Filled with joy for my life
Love the life you created
Or transform the life that your mind created
Combine each life
Live in Oneness in your heart
Breathe my life into this day
Breathe my entire being into this day
Breathe consciously
Relax your body
Create neutral
As your life is compared to one
Create the presence of One for all
Sat Nam

Photo by Ricardo Cruz on Unsplash

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