Trust Empowers You
Follow your lead
Lead your way to victory
Create your reality
Summon your fierce determination
Victory is yours
When you command your dreams into reality
The Truth is your Savior
Your Love is your Lord
Now is the time to prove yourself
Prove your worth to yourself
If you love yourself
You believe in yourself
You need your approval
Approve yourself
If you respect yourself
You appreciate yourself
Stop defeating yourself
For the sake of creating more battles
Now is the time to be victorious
Now is the time for rest
In the work of your Truth
In the abundance of work to be done
Rest for the mind
Is a difficult challenge for you
Rest your mind
Bring all aspects of you into balance
Pure balance
Is needed for your life
A sacred space
Is created from balancing all aspects of you
One aspect cannot be above the other
One aspect cannot be below the other
The tension in your body
Is created by your mind
The absence of your Spirit
Is created by your mind
Going without
Versus going within
Days within the Light
Illuminate the Night
To be out of the game of the mind
Is freedom
It can try to create games of the mind
But remember
Freedom to be your Truth
Humility is a born trait
Or a difficult lesson to learn
Losing your worldly identity
Frees you to be your Truth’s identity
Sat Nam
Photo by Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 on Unsplash