The Life You Live is the Life You Choose

Walk into the forest
Trust as I lead

I am a reflection of you
You are a reflection of me

Feel the difference
As I lead you

As you always do

When you give everything over to me
Everything changes

Everything you see
Everything you feel

Everything changes
Everything is at peace within you

The trees sing
They carry you

The waters whisper
They nourish you

Everything is at peace

When you choose
When you make a conscious effort

To connect with me
To return to your Truth

You are not here to suffer
You are not here to follow others

You are here
To follow me

My vibration
My life

My love gives you comfort
My Light gives you sight

The ability to see
Through patterns and words

Stay grounded
Do not hunt for riches

You will never find them
Because you don’t want them

The only richness you seek
Is to live with me

You must let go
And realize

You are with me
You are never alone

When your eyes see differently
See with my eyes

When you mind cries with woes
Feel with my heart

Feel your divinity
The divinity that I give to you

Every life
Has the seed of my Light

Every life
Is created equally with my love

This Truth
Is what comforts your life

This Truth
Is what you seek in this life

There is no seeking
When you already know

There is no seeking
When you already know

You are already here
All you need to do is grow

Feel comfortable
In your divinity

Feel confident
Trust that I want you to be confident

Human actions and human words
Are not from my love

Do not receive them
Be consciously aware of them

Maintain your radiant shield
Your shield of my Light

You can already see with eyes
Love my life within the ones that do not see

But maintain your life
The Life that I chose for You

The hatred of another
Can only be healed with love

The judgmental nature of another
Can only be healed with my love

Maintain your life
The Life that I chose for You

You are my grace
You are my love

You are my life
The life that walks with me

Live amongst the trees
Feel their roots supporting you

You are always with All
Now is the time for you to grow

Sat Nam

Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

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