The Day Begins Continuously

The moment you allow time to affect you
Is the moment that you limit your life
There is no beginning
There is no end
You see yourself as a finite being
This is the furthest from the truth
You are limitless
You allow your mind to limit your life
What the mind wants
Is not for you to follow
Are you free
Are you at peace
If you are not
Silence the mind and begin to be
Be your Truth
Be your heart’s passion
Anything can be
If you begin to be
Everything you choose
To be
The only limiting factor
Is your mind
You must let go of the mind’s desires
In order to fulfill your destiny
It may take many lifetimes
Will you choose now
The mind will use this as a failure
There is no such thing as failures
Failure only exists
If you choose to be limited
What is an unsuccessful attempt
When you attempted
There is not a single moment
That exists for longer than a moment
You are here in this form
What you choose to do now
Is the only thing that exists
Your exam from ten years ago
Does not exist
Your heartache from years ago
Does not exist
Every memory stored in the mind
Does not exist
Change your mind
Use the science of meditation
The moment you silence your mind
You will live peacefully
Every moment
Is a gift
Give the gift of life
To each moment
Each breath
Silence your mind
With each conscious breath
Sat Nam

Photo by Ravi Sharma on Unsplash

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