Begin with One
One thought
One word
One moment
One moment fully lived
Lived as you long to live
One moment in time
One moment in time
Can change the entire world
One moment received
One moved given
One moment
Should not disrupt your life
One moment can change your life
But one moment should not disturb your life
Stay grounded
Stay centered in your Oneness
No matter what is given to you
Stay grounded in your Oneness
Extreme joy
Extreme pain
Can you live in Oneness
Can you live neutrally
One conscious breath
Delivers everything that you need
One conscious breath
Begins to break through the mind
Can you live
With the Word on your tongue
Every word spoken
A gift from above
One Word
Can change the world
See the world
As the One sees
Nothing is as it seems
Because all are One
We live as separated
Yet we are One with all life
When you hurt any form of life
You are hurting yourself
How can something that is born from the One
Be anything less than One with All
You must live
As the example of Oneness
You can live as One with children
The same time you are living as One with adults
The game of life
Is a cycle that is never ending
The moments you are given
Accept with grace and with ability
Ability to achieve
Ability to believe
In your life
Ability to trust
Your humility
Ability to live
As One with your life
Believe in Oneness
Believe in serving
Trust the One
Love all life
Begin with One moment
Giving your word to all life
Defending your physical body
Is no longer
Maintain your body
Treat it as the sacred vessel that it is
Defending your mind
Is no longer
Focus your mind
Meditation maintains neutrality of the mind
Hiding your Soul
Is no longer
Present your Soul to All
Soul is already One with all
Soul is One
Soul is All
Soul is your path
Soul is your Light
Soul is your life
The life you long to live
Sat Nam
Photo by Simon Wilkes on Unsplash