Be Present with what You are Given to Receive
What you create
Is for you to nourish
What you create
Is for you to heal
You choose
Be aware
Of this moment
Your life
Is creating life
To words
To thoughts
Creating vibrations
Forming dimensions
Every breath
Is a moment to be
A way
To every heart
Visiting stillness
Stay longer
Be the life
That always resides
In stillness
In peace
Reside in stillness
To create stillness
Reside in peace
To create peace
Be my life
Create my life
For every life
You are here
As I am
A pure heart
Filled with my love
Share my love
Heal what is seeking
Deliver my Word
Create transformation
The One that is free
Is the One that is with me
Remember my life
As you do
The world will come to you
To know
My love
To be
With my love
To dwell
In my love
All hearts seek
What is within them
My love
My pure love
You are my love
You are my life
Give the gift of you
Share your life
Present yourself
To my world
Every breath
Every moment
Dwell in Oneness for All
Sat Nam